December 3rd, 2008

Bonus treat alert! #53 from “Jokes & Riddles by Zack” (ca. 5th grade). Probably a Gary Larson ripoff (as many of them were), but possibly based on real life experiences.

“Whales Shmales”
December 2nd, 2008

“The Untouchables”
November 29th, 2008

“Delicious scabs”
November 28th, 2008

“Plowmen dig my earth”
November 27th, 2008

“Epson Alfredo”
November 26th, 2008

“A capella bloodthirst”
November 25th, 2008

“Genetic Irrelevance”
November 24th, 2008

Treatloaf readers voted overwhelming in the previous poll. Apparently, the following image will scare the crap out of seven people.

November 23rd, 2008

“Choose Your Own #20”
November 20th, 2008

“Much ado about fragments.”
November 19th, 2008

“If it doesn’t say “invisible” on the side, it’s not the real thing.”
November 18th, 2008

“Anita Dentist!”
November 17th, 2008

“Suppository writing”
November 15th, 2008

“You know what they say about big hands…”
November 14th, 2008

“Rhyme all the time”
November 13th, 2008

“Tiny Grenades”
November 12th, 2008

“And now my poor meatball…”
November 11th, 2008

November 10th, 2008

“Gotta have his pops.”
November 9th, 2008

“Signed, sealed, delivered”
November 8th, 2008

“Always Wear Goggles”
November 7th, 2008

November 5th, 2008

“Zero Hour”
November 4th, 2008

“Squaw get firefood.”
November 3rd, 2008

“Inappropriate Clip Art Pairing #1”
November 2nd, 2008

“Holding It In”
November 1st, 2008

October 31st, 2008

Winner of this “Choose Your Own” gets a free invisible chinchilla!

“Choose Your Own #19”
October 30th, 2008

“It’s warm and fuzzy.”
October 29th, 2008

October 28th, 2008

“Would you like to see a genetic anomaly?”
October 27th, 2008

“Seminar You My Friend?”
October 23rd, 2008

“6.0 on the Love Scale”
October 22nd, 2008

“Regurgitation is cool”
October 21st, 2008

“One a penny, two a penny”
October 20th, 2008

“Sticky Situation”
October 19th, 2008

October 18th, 2008

“I’m Going to Go Ahead and Open My Lunchbox”
October 17th, 2008

“No Mercy”
October 16th, 2008

“A Penny Saved is a Penny Spent”
October 15th, 2008

“His Name Was Edward Johnston”
October 14th, 2008

Hey Treatloaf readers: this is a “Choose Your Own”! What does Charlie have to say to grandma?

“Adventures of Charlie & Grandma 6”
October 13th, 2008

“Adventures of Charlie & Grandma 5”
October 12th, 2008

“Adventures of Charlie & Grandma 4”
October 11th, 2008

“Adventures of Charlie & Grandma 3”
October 10th, 2008

“Adventures of Charlie & Grandma 2”
October 9th, 2008

“Adventures of Charlie & Grandma 1”
October 8th, 2008

“Algonquian Treat”
October 6th, 2008

“The British are coming!”
October 5th, 2008

“An accurate weather report”
October 4th, 2008

“Annette Rolohat’s Bad Day”
October 3rd, 2008

“Our marriage is on thin ice”
October 2nd, 2008

“Mr. Happy Print”
October 1st, 2008

“Firm Grip on Life”
September 30th, 2008

“How Not To Itch”
September 28th, 2008

“How to ruin a date”
September 27th, 2008

“No room at the inn”
September 26th, 2008

“Sacred laundry”
September 25th, 2008

“For hair so healthy, it’s delicious.”
September 24th, 2008

“Two reasons to smile”
September 23rd, 2008

“And then it hit me…”
September 22nd, 2008

“Toe Love”
September 21st, 2008

“Houston, I Have a Problem”
September 20th, 2008

“The Tossed Son”
September 19th, 2008

“Choose Your Own #17”
September 18th, 2008

“Good on the Cheeks”
September 15th, 2008

“Helen’s Surprise”
September 14th, 2008

September 13th, 2008

“A Beautiful Moment”
September 12th, 2008

“Hot Buttered Noodles”
September 11th, 2008

“Happy 1st Birthday!”
September 9th, 2008

September 9th, 2008

“Face Flaps”
September 9th, 2008

“Smells Like Love”
September 9th, 2008

September 8th, 2008

“Audacity of Circulation”
September 3rd, 2008

“Good Vibrations”
August 30th, 2008

“Have You Been Served?”
August 29th, 2008

“Soggy Bottom Girls”
August 28th, 2008

“Probably full of juice”
August 27th, 2008

“Who’s the Jerk…?”
August 23rd, 2008

August 22nd, 2008

“Bedtime Stories for Freaks”
August 21st, 2008

“For What It’s Worth”
August 20th, 2008

“Silence of the Trans.”
August 19th, 2008

“Vertically Stacked Chips”
August 16th, 2008

“Mo’ Hair”
August 15th, 2008

August 14th, 2008

“Suspended Disbelief”
August 13th, 2008

“In Front of Grandma’s Mirror”
August 12th, 2008

“Smarter Than Lightning”
August 11th, 2008

“Don’t Look at Bunny”
August 10th, 2008

“Choose Your Own” Treatloaves are your opportunity to be the funny one. Leave a comment with your funny caption. It doesn’t have to be funny, but that’s generally been the pattern. Come back later and see what everybody else submitted. (And don’t forget to check back on the old ones!)

“Choose Your Own #16”
August 9th, 2008

“The definition of beauty.”
August 8th, 2008

Four out of four Treatloaf readers use an incandescent reading lamp more frequently than a toaster, vacuum, radio, electric blanket, or air conditioner.

How often do you brush your teeth?

“Bovine, but not local.”
August 7th, 2008

“A Sign of Happiness”
August 3rd, 2008

“Sanitary Spit Valves”
August 2nd, 2008

“Not Ronald”
August 1st, 2008

Treatloaf readers prefer the taste of cherry medicine. But, which appliance do they use most?

July 31st, 2008